
TeamSong Group Sing for Transition Year.

Unlock the power of harmony and self-expression with our dynamic group singing workshop designed exclusively for Transition Year Students!

Join us on a musical journey where voices unite, confidence soars, and friendships flourish. Our expert instructors foster a supportive environment, guiding participants through vocal techniques and teamwork exercises that not only enhance musical abilities but also boost self-esteem.

Watch as your Singers immerse themselves in the joy of singing together, they’ll develop crucial life skills such as communication, teamwork, and resilience. Watch as the magic of music transforms their individual voices into a symphony of unity. Sign up today and let the melody of empowerment resonate in the hearts of your teenagers with this hugely rewarding Workshop!

#ty #transitionyear #4thyear #groupsinging #community #empowerment #resiliance #singing

*subject to availability

Bobby Harpur - Vocal Coach & Owner - Vocals Coach at The Vocal Academy

Bobby Harpur

Bobby is a professional singer, one of Irelands leading Vocal Coaches and owner of the award winning Vocal & Music Academy in Leixlip.

He teaches vocal & performance technique to students both in Ireland and internationally. Bobby is director of the Pub Cór, GLEExlip, the successful Couch to Performance Course and was founder and curator of The Leap Sessions.

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    InstaplayCub Cór

    Do you have access to a Performance Space?

    Do you have access to a Sound System on site?

    Phone: +353 (0)86 253 8193
    Croí Laighean Development Centre, Easton Rd, Easton, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, W23 X9RP